27 April 2009

Entrepreneurial Motivation Training


Human beings are social animals. Without group life they can’t survive in society. Because every individual or group community is dependent on each other. During group interactions every individual presents a different kind of behavior. To control the behavior and to bring essential changes some external or internal force or stimulus is required.

Entrepreneurial motivation training, which helped to bring out inner feelings, talents and set the goals for next coming days. All the participants came up with their achievement plans. A goal is nothing but a set of standards which will be achieved in the future by adding different values through various actions. The instructor was able to see the changes in the thinking of the participants within three days.

Entrepreneurial motivation training is very essential to social entrepreneurs, because it sparkle the minds and stimulates to identify their inner potentials and gives the platform to express their ideas and thoughts.

Description of the Module

This module mainly focused on the treasures which are existing in the surrounding environment. The instructor made all participants to hunt the treasures within the personality. Here treasure means talents or capacities or skills of an individual. Through the “who am I” and self assessment questionnaire all were able to identify the treasures.

Through the goal setting game participants were identified and learnt different perspectives of human behavior. The message of calculated risk taking, understanding the capacity of the individual and influence of environment on the behavior passed on to the participants.

Goal setting should not be influenced by others or by any rewards. The person who takes the moderate or calculated risk should consider his or her capacity, past experiences and the environment. All these factors lead to success. If a person takes a high risk then success may occur by chance or by luck. In case of low risk there may be one hundred percent success. But the wise person has to take moderate or calculated risk, here the chance of success is typically 70-80 percent. During this stage hope of success and fear of failure are essential to an entrepreneur. These factors increase the risk management skills and gives highest satisfaction.

Key points of the module

The purpose of this module is to assess the thinking process of the participants. Through these activities the instructor explained the process of achievement motive and the criterion to score achievement imagery. An achievement situation involves the achievement goal with the standard of excellence. The achievement syndome ( Means set of concepts which are related to achievement motivation)  should have the following sub-categories,

·         A need (N) to achieve on the part of the person.

·         Anticipation of success or failure in attaining the goal.

·         Activity (Act) successful or not aimed at attaining the goal.

·         Difficulties or blocks (Bp and Bw) to the individuals progress to the goal. There may be personal or external problems.

·         Emotional reactions i.e. positive goal anticipation (Ga+) and negative goal anticipation Ga-).

·         Help (H) to the striving person from another person.

·         Achievement thema, which means the central plot of the whole story, should explain one core goal.

All these factors are called achievement syndrome and very essential in a story to decide the thinking process of the individual.

Major Learnings of the Module

Following are the major learning of the module.

·         Every individual has many treasures in their personality.

·         He/she has to search and explore the treasures or resources prevailing in the personality.

·         Motivation is the stimulation to achieve a goal and it is essential to every individual.

·         While setting goals the individual should consider his/her abilities, past experiences, and environment.

·         Learn from the success or failure and adopt the leanings.

·         During team work we should not create dependency on us nor should I depend on others in each and every activity.

To become a successful entrepreneur all the features of achievement syndrome should prevail in the personality. The entrepreneur must have the fear of failure and at the same time hope of success and have internal and external motivation traits in the personality in a balanced form. All these factors will focus on achieving the goal.

09 April 2009


In the present global context health status of an individual, a community as well as a country is an important factor to decide the development indicator. It represents the actual situation of a particular country.

Health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity", used by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1948. In 1986, the WHO in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion said health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health. Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of an individual (1).

By looking into the above statements health is includes the nutritional level, reproductive capacity, thinking ability, control over once own behavior, access to safe drinking water, hygiene, sanitation, mental ability. All these factors lead to physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of an individual. This situation can achieve the economic prosperity in the country. Compared to the international standards unfortunately the health status of the general population in India is not satisfactory.

Description of the module

This module mainly focused on the general perception, the determinants, present status of health in India as well as in the global scenario. It also concentrated on the health care service and its delivery system, quality, impact on the general, advantages and disadvantages. During the module fellows came to know the major diseases which are badly affecting on the health of the people. HIV/AIDS is a disease which is causing many deaths and worldwide affecting socially, economically and psychologically too many families. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid ,preseminal fluid, and breast milk.  AIDS is now a pandemic. In 2007, an estimated 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and it killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children. Over three-quarters of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, India and China, retarding economic growth and destroying human capital. These data shows the severity of the problem.

On the second day reproductive health topic was taught. It brought a clear picture about the condition of reproductive and child health in India. Reproductive health is nothing but a state in which people have the ability to reproduce and regulate their fertility, women are able to go through pregnancy and child birth safely, and the outcome of pregnancy is successful in terms of maternal and infant survival and well being. And couples are able to have sexual relations free of the fear of pregnancy and of contracting diseases.

Key points of the module

Health module succeeded in bringing the actual realities of India’s approach towards health care services, promotion of health of the general population and prevention of some diseases and conditions. Accountability in health care services is nothing but the obligation to demonstrate and the responsibility for performance in the light of agreed expectations.  Especially accountability of health practitioners is very essential to establish a sound and effective health system in the country. The instructor with suitable examples made to think towards the eradication of bad practices and systems which are prevailing in the medical field. In the global scenario India stands 118th place in terms of efficient health care services, whereas 136th in life expectancy and 127th in governmental expenditure on health care. The most common medical mistakes that found in the past are leftover during surgery, wrong surgery, unnecessary tests, cosmetic goof ups, not enough anesthesia, delayed treatment, unnecessary drugs, secondary infections, drug dependency and bad handwriting of doctors.

At the same time we could find out the causes for poor accountability in the health sector in India. First thing is bane of present day medical education, it is financially oriented and educational institutions are charging heavy fees. Secondly lack of promotion of rural health care. Thirdly in India there is a gap of using information technology in health sector. we can find out the lack of updated knowledge among medical practissioners and the is gap of favorable relationship between  the doctor and the patient.

Major Learnings of the module

Majority of the population living in rural areas and the medical practissioners are staying in urban areas. This is the drawback of Indian health system. At the same time government is primarily focusing on health care services rather than prevention of the diseases. The equipments and use of technology is of old one.

To improve the and achieve the economic and social progress there should be a major shift in policy making and the health needs to be enforced. Epidemolocal data needs to be gathered for many recent diseases. And the solution for these entire problems is to enhance the publis-private partnership in Indian health care services; prevention should be done in   this sector. These are the main factors which we learnt in the health module.