29 June 2009

Thinking beyond the capacity will lead to the creativity

You all believe this or not, but it is sure and felt one or the other day or incidents. Whenever I start thinking out of the box and which is worthful for the time arises. In today’s class I realize about the creative thinking and idea visualization. Completing an unfinished story and giving an end is as tough as writing a new story. But our group succeeded in shaping a story.

The paint and PPt are the best ways to create our own pictures and put those ideas in clear and concise information about the subject.

On the first day only I realized the effect of thinking and flow of thought was excellent. In the toast master session I gave three times new ideas about the livelihood interventions. All of these thoughts were very appropriate and worth to implement in my native places.

Today I realized about the importance of thinking beyond the limits and if I go in a way to evolve a particular solution definitely succeed in it.

13 June 2009

Scavenger Hunt

It was a nice experience for all of us. it is an effort to introduce sandbox fellows with DF fellows and an activity to learn about Hubli city. we went for Scavenger Hunt with Mari. We decided to win the game and ultimately won that activity on less expenses basis. we spent Rs. 188 and purchased all the materials and took photos from different places. We all enjoyed alot, around 5 km walked and reached the target place within the prescribed time

On 3oth May 2009 I casted my vote in my village. Really it was a nice experience for me. First time I performed my responsibility. I stood in the line and up to then talkrd with the people. I asked people about their feelings about voting and they opined that it is a good opportunity to choose their own government. Before elections we all fellows conducted MARCHING TOWARDS POLLING BOOTH program and could able to see the impact in rural areas. But in urban population the attitude was some what similar and they were away from voting.

Working with children gives happiness and feeling of satisfaction to me. During my leadership activities I interacted with chilren and tried to give career guidance and make them happy through different activities.

I interacted with street children in Unkal during their vacations and explained them about how to utilise the holidays. I found that they all are spending their time in playing. I gave them different ways to utilise their time.

05 May 2009


Learning the eco system in the forest gives actual feeling of the environment. We all fellows visited Dandeli forest area, lived in a remote village, learnt their culture, practiced their food habits, wandered in the thick forest, observed the wild animals, played with the tribal children, visited caves, swim in the  river. Totally it was a nice and unforgetable experience for me. This module covered all the tourism perspectives and made me think towards tribal life and eco systm and wild life.

27 April 2009

Entrepreneurial Motivation Training


Human beings are social animals. Without group life they can’t survive in society. Because every individual or group community is dependent on each other. During group interactions every individual presents a different kind of behavior. To control the behavior and to bring essential changes some external or internal force or stimulus is required.

Entrepreneurial motivation training, which helped to bring out inner feelings, talents and set the goals for next coming days. All the participants came up with their achievement plans. A goal is nothing but a set of standards which will be achieved in the future by adding different values through various actions. The instructor was able to see the changes in the thinking of the participants within three days.

Entrepreneurial motivation training is very essential to social entrepreneurs, because it sparkle the minds and stimulates to identify their inner potentials and gives the platform to express their ideas and thoughts.

Description of the Module

This module mainly focused on the treasures which are existing in the surrounding environment. The instructor made all participants to hunt the treasures within the personality. Here treasure means talents or capacities or skills of an individual. Through the “who am I” and self assessment questionnaire all were able to identify the treasures.

Through the goal setting game participants were identified and learnt different perspectives of human behavior. The message of calculated risk taking, understanding the capacity of the individual and influence of environment on the behavior passed on to the participants.

Goal setting should not be influenced by others or by any rewards. The person who takes the moderate or calculated risk should consider his or her capacity, past experiences and the environment. All these factors lead to success. If a person takes a high risk then success may occur by chance or by luck. In case of low risk there may be one hundred percent success. But the wise person has to take moderate or calculated risk, here the chance of success is typically 70-80 percent. During this stage hope of success and fear of failure are essential to an entrepreneur. These factors increase the risk management skills and gives highest satisfaction.

Key points of the module

The purpose of this module is to assess the thinking process of the participants. Through these activities the instructor explained the process of achievement motive and the criterion to score achievement imagery. An achievement situation involves the achievement goal with the standard of excellence. The achievement syndome ( Means set of concepts which are related to achievement motivation)  should have the following sub-categories,

·         A need (N) to achieve on the part of the person.

·         Anticipation of success or failure in attaining the goal.

·         Activity (Act) successful or not aimed at attaining the goal.

·         Difficulties or blocks (Bp and Bw) to the individuals progress to the goal. There may be personal or external problems.

·         Emotional reactions i.e. positive goal anticipation (Ga+) and negative goal anticipation Ga-).

·         Help (H) to the striving person from another person.

·         Achievement thema, which means the central plot of the whole story, should explain one core goal.

All these factors are called achievement syndrome and very essential in a story to decide the thinking process of the individual.

Major Learnings of the Module

Following are the major learning of the module.

·         Every individual has many treasures in their personality.

·         He/she has to search and explore the treasures or resources prevailing in the personality.

·         Motivation is the stimulation to achieve a goal and it is essential to every individual.

·         While setting goals the individual should consider his/her abilities, past experiences, and environment.

·         Learn from the success or failure and adopt the leanings.

·         During team work we should not create dependency on us nor should I depend on others in each and every activity.

To become a successful entrepreneur all the features of achievement syndrome should prevail in the personality. The entrepreneur must have the fear of failure and at the same time hope of success and have internal and external motivation traits in the personality in a balanced form. All these factors will focus on achieving the goal.

09 April 2009


In the present global context health status of an individual, a community as well as a country is an important factor to decide the development indicator. It represents the actual situation of a particular country.

Health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity", used by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1948. In 1986, the WHO in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion said health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health. Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of an individual (1).

By looking into the above statements health is includes the nutritional level, reproductive capacity, thinking ability, control over once own behavior, access to safe drinking water, hygiene, sanitation, mental ability. All these factors lead to physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of an individual. This situation can achieve the economic prosperity in the country. Compared to the international standards unfortunately the health status of the general population in India is not satisfactory.

Description of the module

This module mainly focused on the general perception, the determinants, present status of health in India as well as in the global scenario. It also concentrated on the health care service and its delivery system, quality, impact on the general, advantages and disadvantages. During the module fellows came to know the major diseases which are badly affecting on the health of the people. HIV/AIDS is a disease which is causing many deaths and worldwide affecting socially, economically and psychologically too many families. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid ,preseminal fluid, and breast milk.  AIDS is now a pandemic. In 2007, an estimated 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and it killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children. Over three-quarters of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, India and China, retarding economic growth and destroying human capital. These data shows the severity of the problem.

On the second day reproductive health topic was taught. It brought a clear picture about the condition of reproductive and child health in India. Reproductive health is nothing but a state in which people have the ability to reproduce and regulate their fertility, women are able to go through pregnancy and child birth safely, and the outcome of pregnancy is successful in terms of maternal and infant survival and well being. And couples are able to have sexual relations free of the fear of pregnancy and of contracting diseases.

Key points of the module

Health module succeeded in bringing the actual realities of India’s approach towards health care services, promotion of health of the general population and prevention of some diseases and conditions. Accountability in health care services is nothing but the obligation to demonstrate and the responsibility for performance in the light of agreed expectations.  Especially accountability of health practitioners is very essential to establish a sound and effective health system in the country. The instructor with suitable examples made to think towards the eradication of bad practices and systems which are prevailing in the medical field. In the global scenario India stands 118th place in terms of efficient health care services, whereas 136th in life expectancy and 127th in governmental expenditure on health care. The most common medical mistakes that found in the past are leftover during surgery, wrong surgery, unnecessary tests, cosmetic goof ups, not enough anesthesia, delayed treatment, unnecessary drugs, secondary infections, drug dependency and bad handwriting of doctors.

At the same time we could find out the causes for poor accountability in the health sector in India. First thing is bane of present day medical education, it is financially oriented and educational institutions are charging heavy fees. Secondly lack of promotion of rural health care. Thirdly in India there is a gap of using information technology in health sector. we can find out the lack of updated knowledge among medical practissioners and the is gap of favorable relationship between  the doctor and the patient.

Major Learnings of the module

Majority of the population living in rural areas and the medical practissioners are staying in urban areas. This is the drawback of Indian health system. At the same time government is primarily focusing on health care services rather than prevention of the diseases. The equipments and use of technology is of old one.

To improve the and achieve the economic and social progress there should be a major shift in policy making and the health needs to be enforced. Epidemolocal data needs to be gathered for many recent diseases. And the solution for these entire problems is to enhance the publis-private partnership in Indian health care services; prevention should be done in   this sector. These are the main factors which we learnt in the health module.

28 March 2009

Logical Framework Analysis

Logical Framework Analysis is a very important tool to describe the project in a simplified manner. It gives the summary of the whole project proposal. Usually this document will be prepared by grant seeking agencies and submit it the funding or donor organizations.  It is an analytical, presentational and management tool which can help planners and managers. It helps to analyze the existing situation during activity preparation and establishes a logical hierarchy of means by which objectives will be reached during the implementation of the project. It also identifies the potential risks to achieving the objectives and to sustainable outcomes and at the same time establishes how to monitor and evaluate outputs and outcomes. In a brief it gives complete picture of the project. All the stakeholders of the project can refer LFA and use wherever they feel necessary.

LFA can be a useful tool in the planning, monitoring, evaluation management of development projects. It is not the only planning tool, and should not be considered an end in itself, but using it encourages the discipline of clear and specific thinking about what the project aims to do and how, and highlighting those aspects upon which success depends. It increases the accountability and commitment of implementing agencies towards the success of the project.

Module Description

As it was a new concept to all fellows the instructor initially gave the meaning of LFA. According Department for International Development (DFID) the Logical Framework as "a tool to help designers of projects think logically about

      what the project is trying to achieve (the purpose),

      what things the project needs to do to bring that about (the outputs) and

              .  What needs to be done to produce these outputs (the activities) ?

By looking above statement A log frame (also known as a Project Framework) is nothing but a tool for planning and managing development Projects. It looks like a table (or framework) and aims to present information about the key components of a project in a clear, concise, logical and systematic way. The log frame model was developed in the United States and has since been adopted and adapted for use by many other donors. Now a day’s all funders prefer LFA. That is why its importance has been increased.

Key Points of the module

In logical framework analysis module the instructor tries to teach the meaning, its importance, the contents and process to prepare the LFA. The specific structure is very essential to a log frame.  The person who prepares has to first define the problem for that he/she has to prepare problem tree. Because LFA is a way of describing a project in a logical way so that it should be well designed, described objectively, Can be evaluated, and clearly structured.

Problem analysis and problem tree helps to prepare a objective tree. Two main approaches for problem tree analysis and objective tree analysis first one is Focal problem method which means development problems (or constraints) are brainstormed by the group, a core or focal problem is identified, and the cause and effect analysis then pivots around the focal problem. And second one is Objectives oriented method; a broad/high level development objective is specified at the start of the analysis, and constraints to achieving this objective are then brainstormed, analyzed  and sorted in to a cause and effect logic. After this process stakeholder analysis has to be done in this process. It includes deciding who these problems actually impact on most, and what the roles and interests of different stakeholders might be in addressing the problems and reaching solutions.

The important activity starts after objective tree analysis that is setting the goal for the project. It means wider problem the project will help to resolve during the specific period. The project should have to have the purpose which gives the immediate impact on the project area or target group i.e. the change or benefit to be achieved by the project. Outputs setting is also an important activity these are the specifically deliverable results expected from the project to attain the purpose. To fulfill the purpose and goal the specific activities should be mentioned in the log frame, these are the tasks to be done to produce the outputs. After that inputs, measurable indicators, means of verification and assumptions should be framed and submitted to funder for the verification and approval.

Major Learning

The module helped to learn about the importance of logical framework in planning and management of development proposals and its various advantages. It reduces the conflict and confusion different stakeholders. It increases the accountability of the project implementing organization towards the donor and beneficiaries. LFA also provides a handy summary to inform project staff, donors, beneficiaries and other stakeholders, which can be referred to throughout the lifecycle of the project. In the present context by looking into the advantages majority of the funding agencies suggests to have the logical framework analysis in the project proposal. That’s why all development workers should know the process of preparing the logical framework analysis.

22 March 2009


Education is a fundamental right in India. The 86th constitutional amendment has made elementary education as a fundamental right for the children between the age group- 6 to 14. According to the 2001 census, the total literacy rate in India is 65.38%. The female literacy rate is only 54.16%. The gap between rural and urban literacy rate is also very significant in India. The present education system in India mainly comprises of primary education, secondary education, senior secondary education and higher education. Elementary education consists of eight years of education. Each of secondary and senior secondary education consists of two years of education. Higher education in India starts after passing the higher secondary education or the 12th standard. Depending on the stream, doing graduation in India can take three to five years. Post graduate courses are generally of two to three years of duration. After completing post graduation, scope for doing research in various educational institutes also remains open. 

Description of the Module

Education module mainly focused on the elementary education system, Annual status of education report (ASER) 2008 and higher education in India. Elementary education in India means eight years of schooling from the age of six. The government has made elementary education compulsory and free. But, the goal of universal elementary education in India has been very difficult to achieve till now. Higher education in India starts after the higher Secondary or 12th standard. While it takes 3 years for completing a B.A., B.Sc or B.Com pass or honors degree from a college in India, pursuing an engineering course would take four years and five years (with six months of additional compulsory internship) for completing a bachelor of medicine or bachelor of law degree. Postgraduate courses generally are of two years duration. But there are some courses like Master of Computer Application (MCA) that are of three years duration. For those who cannot afford to attend regular classes for various preoccupations can pursue correspondence courses from various Open Universities and distance learning institutes in India. After independence in five year plans government of India is spending more and more money to improve the educational status of the general population.

Key Points of the Module

ASER is an initiative of Pradhan a Mumbai based nongovernmental organization to study the quality of elementary education in rural India. ASER 2008 revealed following facts about primary or elementary education.

Among all 6-14 year olds, the proportion of children attending private schools has increased from 16.4% in2005 to 22.5% in 2008.. This increase in private school enrollment represents a 37.2 percent increase over the baseline of 2005. This increase is particularly striking in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. In 2008, private schools have 20% more boys than girls in both age groups; 7-10 and 11-14.Half of all school going children in Kerala and Goa go to private schools. (According to DISE, 95% of private schools in Kerala and 70% of private schools in Goa are government aided.) Between 32% to 42% of all school going children In Nagaland, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan go to private schools. Nationally, the proportion of 7-10 year-olds not-in school is at 2.7%, and proportion of 11-14 year olds not in school is at 6.3%.  It find that Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh show dramatic improvement in reading and Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh show improvement in arithmetic also. 61% of children in Std V in India can tell time on a clock correctly. In states such as UP, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, about 50% children in Std V can tell time. Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Haryana, J&K, Punjab, Uttarakhand are all above the national average.

In another session on higher education following factors were discussed. India is today one of the fastest developing countries of the world with the annual growth rate going above 9%. In order to sustain that rate of growth, there is need to increase the number of institutes and also the quality of higher education in India. Therefore the Prime Minister of India has announced the establishment of 8 IITs, seven Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and five Indian Institutes of Science, Education and Research (IISERs) and 30 Central Universities in his speech to the nation on the 60th Independence Day. The outlay for education during the 11th Five Year Plan, which runs from the current fiscal to 2012-13, represents a four-fold increase over the previous plan and stands at Rs 2500 billion. It shows that growing population and available higher education institutions is not equal or proportional in India. ASER2008 also explored village infrastructure and household characteristics to find links with education. Primary schools are available within 1 km of 92.5% rural habitations and 67.1% villages have government middle school, and 33.8% have government secondary schools. Private schools are available in 45.6% Indian villages. STD booths are present in 58.5% villages while 48.3% village households have a cell phone or a land line connection. Electrical connections were available in 65.9% households surveyed. Pukka road connects 71.9% villages to the outside world. Lowest numbers are Assam (32.7%), West Bengal (44.2%), Bihar (53.2%) and Madhya Pradesh (58.9 %) are states among the poorest connected states. This reveals the relationship between infrastructure and status of elementary education system in India.

Major Leanings

 The education module clarified about the present status and the quality of education. The efforts should be initiated from now only to improve the quality of elementary and higher education. At the same time focus should be given to provide the essential infrastructure i.e. teachers, class rooms, libraries, sports materials etc. Sarva shikshana Abhiyana and mid-day meal program are somehow tried best in this concern. By 2015 education should reach to the poorest of the poor and it also accessible to the remote corner of India. To fulfill this dream government should allow private institutions to come forward and take the initiation. It is also the vision of Dr. Kalam.

Especially quality of higher education is losing its importance in the India. Government is only focusing towards elementary education. In this juncture only public - private partnership can enhance the capacity of higher education sector. That’s why government is promoting the domestic and foreign universities to start their institutions and help the people to access the desired need.

15 March 2009


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Holi-Festival of COLOURS

There are stories about Krishna spraying colors on Radha and other Gopikas and smearing their faces with 'Gulal' suggesting that Holi is older than the birth of these deities. In Bengal and Orissa, Holi is also celebrated as the birthday of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the famous saint-poet. One of the oldest festivals of India, there have been evidences which suggests that Holi was being celebrated here as a festival since several centuries before Christ. Jamini has mentioned such a festival in his religious works known as 'Purvamimamsa Sutras' and 'Kathaka Grhya Sutra'. The paintings and murals on the walls of the ancient temples have captured the scenes of Holi, either based on Radha and Krishna or the royalty. 

The 16th century panel found in a temple at Hampi belonging to the days when it was the capital of Vijaynagar Empire showcases beautiful sculptures of Holi in which a royal couple is shown being drenched by the surrounding maids who are sprinkling colored water on them by bamboo syringes known as 'pichkaris'. Other similar paintings include the 16th century painting of Ahmednagar depicting the theme of Vasanta Ragini or 'Spring Music' where the royal couple is depicted sitting on a grand swing while maidens play music and spray colors on them; the painting of Mewar (circa 1755), which shows the court of Maharana, who is bestowing gifts to people on Holi and is enjoying dance performances; and a miniature painting of Bundi depicting the procession of the king, seated on an elephant, and damsels showering 'gulal' on him from their balconies.


Agriculture is a major source of employment for the Indian economy. Historical studies reveal that agriculture has had a major impact in the rise and fall of the Indian civilization. At present nearly 65% of the total population is dependent upon agriculture. Indian farmers grow all types of crops. India has achieved self sufficiency in the production of many crops. This means that India has an influential status in international trade and commerce.

Module Description

This module describes the importance of agriculture in India. The impact of climate change on the entire population is an important issue. Due to the intervention of modern technology in agriculture farmers are highly dependent on machines, chemicals and pesticides. However, improper use of these materials is harmful to crops and the health of the farmers. The ultimate solution for this problem is the proper and effective use of technology coupled with an organic farming system together. The AME Foundation has developed a unique model of sustainable agriculture and it is being implemented in Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Less External Intervention for Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) projects are very helpful for implementing integrated farming.

During the session the instructor started with the status of agriculture in India and its prominent position in India. The instructor initially emphasized the evolution of agriculture and its development through various stages. The instructor spoke about the green revolution and its impact on farmers and on the Indian economy. The important topic which covered was global warming (climate change). At the same time the resource person explained about the AME Foundation and its approach to develop a sustainable agriculture model. The impact of chemicals and fertilizers on land and on the health of farmers is very hazardous. Techniques such as NRM and LEISA are the approaches which are developed by the AME Foundation and promoting farmers to practice integrated farming system and use livestock in agricultural activities.

Key Points of the module

 Agriculture in India is a livelihood system because farmers are struggle hard to grow crops for their domestic use. Indian farmers are not in a position to produce agriculture goods on a large scale. They don’t have proper access to the market place.  In this situation nobody can say agriculture is a business model for the majority of farmers. Only a few farmers are aware of forward linkages which can help them make agriculture into a more profitable entrepreneurial model.

 People who are involved in the development of the agriculture sector are searching for alternative practices. At the same time farmers are also in need of best practices which will increase the production level. Agriculture has a large scope for development organizations. These organizations must enhance the capacities of farmers by educating them about the proper use of technology, seeds, chemicals and pesticides, etc. At the same time their participation in collaborative learning and its adoption should take place. This means that farmers should come forward and use the new approaches in farming. The developmental approach should enhance the participation of farmers in the process.

The farmers should effectively utilize the natural resources which are readily available in and around their environment. By doing this the farmers can reduce expenditure and increase fertility.  Ultimately, yield will increase which should lead to greater income and profit.

 Major Learning

The module on agriculture helped me to learn about the importance of the agriculture sector in India. In spite of government support its growth is not up to expectations. The sector’s contribution to the Gross domestic product (GDP) of India is decreasing every year. Due to many factors agriculture has become only a livelihood option for majority of the Indian population. Consequently each year thousands of farmers are committing suicide because they fear a loss of status and respect.  It is a very unfortunate trend that is happening in India.

04 March 2009


“Even Ten rupees has the power to change the foresight of a common man (Aam Admi)”

It is very true that after five decades of independence we got Right to Information. The UPA government in the year 2005 has enacted this act as 22nd act of the year and it came in to force from 12th October in the same year. The law is applicable to whole of India except Jammu and Kashmir. According to the public authorities are those which are established by Constitution, established by the act of the Parliament or state legislature and bodies and committees of the government and organizations fully or partially funded by the government.

 After enacting this act we are finding many changes in the social paradigm of our country. The main purpose of this act is to make best use of government programs which are exclusively for the empowerment of underprivileged.  Sec.4 (1) and 4(1)(b) provides chance to get Suo-Motu (Self declaration) of every department. Under 6(1) we can get specific information of any department. Every department should provide the information sought by the applicant within 30 days. Failure leads to heavy punishment. This act established Central Information Commission and State Information Commission to look after the effective implementation of this act.

This act is playing an instrumental role in reducing the corruption, improving accountability and bringing transparency in governance. Totally we can say that whole corrupt system will collapses and build a strong and capable administrative system in our country. But at the same time the public should make best use this act. Many success stories reveals that even the highest man also cannot misuse this act. The real effort to bring our under privileged people to the main stream of the society has started with the enactment of this act. We can say that it is protecting the democratic principles and promoting the welfare state concept in our country. This act is fulfilling the broad objectives of our Constitution. That’s why government of India and all state governments are keenly enforcing the act.

14 February 2009


“I am not in a position to give one rupee to my child which is crying, then how I can spend 20 to 30 rupees to my personal health and hygiene, because our per day income is not more than thirty rupees”-Renuka Hebballi.

“If I ask my family men to construct a Toilet, they replies me, why you feel shy to go outside for deification, since the ages of our ancestors this is being practiced, don’t think extra and advanced”-Savitri Morab.

These are the two statements which touched my heart and grabbed my attention and made me to think again and again about the life of rural women. During FGD with women and adolescents 15 participants opined that they are facing many problems which can’t be revealed in front of others and to their family also.  

 As a part of village study we Chandru Lamani, Fathima, Devadanam and Mahanthaswami were posted to Karadikoppa village. Before that Mr. Prakash Bhatt took theory classes to all fellows for 6 days. On 10th Feb we had PRA in Kamplikoppa village. After that on 11th Feb we all went to Karadikoppa village.


Karadikoppa is a small village of Hubli taluk, which is 17 KM away. It is 40 KM away from district HQ Dharwad. This village had situated on the bank of Shalmal Kuradikeri, Inamveerapur, Bommasamudra, Kamplikoppa and Mishrikoti are the surrounding villages to Karadikoppa. We stayed in Mahadevi Sidlingannavar’s house.

History of the village: This village has 100 years of history. On the basis of our interaction the most senior citizens opined that Karadikoppa name come to this village because earlier this place has thick forest, where in many Bears were living. Due to this reason Karadikoppa name came to existence. Koppa means a settlement, due to flood has settled to the present location. During our observation we found many evidences which explain about the history of the village.

Demographic Data:
















Other Caste












Mentally Challenged

Mentally Retied

Different type of handicap









Geographical Area:

Total Geographical Area

Used for Agriculture

375.86 Hectors

358 Hectors



















Bus stop



01 (1 to 8th)





Water Tanks


Public Tap




Public Toilets


Veterinary Hospital





Area in Hectors

















Horticulture crops










In Karadikoppa one primary school is working. 280 children are getting education, among them 146 are girls and 134 are boys. In the whole village 40% of the total population is literate. To improve the educational status government has started mid-day meal, uniform, books and cycle distribution schemes, Radio program, teachers training.



















      School Dropout.

      Lack of Sanitation/Clean.

      Child marriage.